

人生就是一部电影,有坎坷,也有欢乐,但不管怎么样都要笑着去面对,因为人生的最后总是美好的!开心的过每一天吧! 人生就是一部电影作品,你就是里面的主角、导演、配角……总之,这部电影拍的如何完全看你是如何面对的。总之电影的开始和结尾都是一样的每个人都一样。开始就是降生到这个世上,结尾就是离开人世。关键在你快要离开的时候你的一生从你眼前一闪而过那么你感觉到没有什么遗憾的就OK了~~! 或许生活本身是没有意义可言,我们只是和其他动物一样,赤裸裸地来,赤条条地走。只是在这个46亿年之久的星球上,占用极其微小的一点时间,享用他的一点资源罢了。但是人类毕竟贵为万物之灵,所以有智慧的人会为自己的生活定一个意义,让生活变得丰富精彩,让自己活得有价值。 我们应该做到淡看人世间,坦然面对人生,用微笑面对人生, 态度决定一切,就是要我们能够微笑着面对人生。 微笑如同一面平静的湖水,给人以安定的信念,生活中的我们应该面带微笑。还有对自己的一切负责,勇敢面对人生。

《潇洒人生》在线观看地址:/02dydetail/85282.html 欢迎把《潇洒人生》网址分享给身边的影视爱好者谢谢! ,电影潇洒人生讲述:Can't performing and life... be perfect? About five men who lead the Korean musicals "Wonderful Life" Five men who lead the Korean musical society gathered for the tense first script reading of the musical “The Story Of My Life”. Ryu Jung-han the perfectionist, full of concentration from the first day of practice, Lee Seok-joon who delicately challenges him, Sin Seong-rok who decides he is the mood lightener, Lee Chang-yong-I, frozen tight in front of seniors that look like stars to him and Shin Chun-soo who got them all in one place. Within a circle of tension, Jung-han and Seong-rok start practicing the role of Thomas and Seok-joon and Chang-yong the role of Alvin. The youngest Chang-yong carefully approached Seong-rok to get closer to him but Seong-rok isn’t happy about being paired up with a newbie. Meanwhile, Seok-joon falls into a slump as he gets mixed criticis about his current performance and runs into trouble with Jung-han about everything starting with the product evaluation. This musical about two men and their friendship, will it be able to rise on stage?

潇洒人生是由Shin Chun-soo,执导、柳廷翰,李锡俊,申盛禄,李昌龙,等领衔主演的剧情,在2011上映播出,yy6080影院提供了潇洒人生在线观看,并且还可以支持手机看,不需要下载播放器,方便广大影迷。