

十诫是神给的教条,当然叫你不可试探神了。 试探就是质疑。质疑神就会发现原来神的智慧不过尔尔,没什么见地,心胸又狭窄。 不相信的话,去拿英文版的十诫,和中文版的十诫对比,就知道中文版的十诫比原汁原味的英文版十诫,好得多了。这完全归功于译经者,因为译经着受过了华夏文化的熏陶,因此他能写出比神还精妙的教条。 补充: 好像有些人不相信我说的。 【申5:16】 当照耶和华你神所吩咐的孝敬父母,。。。 Honor your father and your mother,..... Honor尊敬改称孝敬。 【申5:17】 不可杀人。 You shall not murder. Thou shalt not

《十诫(上)原声版》在线观看地址:/02dydetail/40772.html 欢迎把《十诫(上)原声版》网址分享给身边的影视爱好者谢谢! ,电影十诫(上)原声版讲述:One biblical figure is revered by Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike. His name is Moses (Dougray Scott, Arabian Nights), the man who rose in power to defend a people, to free them, and to live in history like no other…A time of danger approaches for all of the Kingdom. Danger from a child. A child who will become a Prince of Egypt. With the soothsayer’s dire prophecy, the Pharoah (Paul Rhys, From Hell) orders the slaughter of all newborn males. But one child, born of Hebrew slave Amram (Louis Hilyer, Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow) and his wife Jochebed (Emmy nominee Lisa Jacobs, The Attic), is put in the care of others to ensure his own safety. As years pass, Moses is raised in a royal Egyptian household and, with no memory of his true family, rises to the stature of prince. Upon discovery of his heritage, and inspired by a fiery message from God, Moses implores his stepbrother Menerith (Naveen Andrews, Lost), a high-ranking official in Ramses’ army, to join him on a fight to reclaim his destiny as the leader and liberator of the Hebrew people.But when Ramses rejects his demands, Moses issues the curse of a coming plague. From a swarming cloud of locusts to a river transformed in to a rushing stream of human blood to a downpour of frogs from the heavens, the prophesized scourge has been unleashed—Moses has taken the first step toward accomplishing his mission. Charting the dramatic story of the Hebrew leader—from his narrow escape from death to his leadership of the Hebrew people to the parting of the Red Sea, The Ten Commandments unfolds with all the spectacle, the violent human drama, and grand inspiration that has earned its stature as the greatest story ever told.With a stellar cast that includes Mia Maestro (Alias) and Golden Globe winner Omar Sharif (Lawrence of Arabia), The Ten Commandments is unsurpassed in its vision—both intimate and grand.

十诫(上)原声版是由Robert Dornhelm执导、Dougray Scott,Matthew Sim等领衔主演的剧情,在2006上映播出,yy6080影院提供了十诫(上)原声版在线观看,并且还可以支持手机看,不需要下载播放器,方便广大影迷。